
Recipe :Pulut Inti – Sweetened coconut rice

It’s the season of Ramadan, that means its 29 or 30 days of fasting for my Muslim friends. Thereafter it is Eid al-Fitr, which  marks the end of the Ramadan period. The days leading to Eid is always greeted with a lot of buzz in Malaysia, there will be hawker stalls set up all over the place each of them with mouth watering delicacies. I always look forward to the Ramadan period when back in Malaysia where we all stock up our dinner in the evenings and wait in anticipation for the call to break-fast. Not that I’m Muslim, but the anticipation of breaking fast with my Muslim friends makes it all so much more enjoyable.
One of the many great things about Ramadan season is we Malaysians really make the effort of bringing out the goodies, food that we don’t usually have, food that I would have only have dreamt about during dinner parties organised by my Muslim friends.

So, this year being so far away from my Malaysian Muslim friends, I’ve decided to do a little tribute piece; Pulut Inti – glutinous rice topped with caramelised shredded coconut flesh wrapped in banana leaf. This is probably one of the simpler Malay dishes I know of or even dare to prepare. Hope you guys enjoy it.
To my UK Muslim friends: Happy Eid.
And to my Malaysian Muslim friends;
Selamat Hari Raya Eidil Fitri – Semoga makanan tradisi membawa pulang memori bahagia dan kita pulang kepada mereka yang tersayang.
sweet coconut rice



  • 1 1/2 shredded coconut (unsweetened)
  • 250g palm sugar (get the powdered ones)
  • 1 tbs corn starch
  • 250g glutinous rice (soaked for at least 3 hrs – overnight if possible)
  • 2 sheets of banana leaves (blanch your leaves before using, for hygiene purposes)
  • 200 ml coconut milk


  • Start by mixing your glutinous rice with coconut milk, then steam for a good 30 minutes until rice is fluffy and translucent. When done, set aside and allow to cool.
  • In a medium heat pan, dissolve palm sugar with 5 tbs of water. Keep stirring until your palm sugar becomes syrupy. Word of caution, caramelised sugar can be very hot. Please be careful
  • Add your shredded coconut to the dissolved sugar and stir until the coconut shreds are evenly coated. Feel free to add more water if the solution is insufficient to coat the coconut shreds
  • Next, mix corn starch with half cup of water and add to your coconut mix. This should give it a thick and moist texture. Allow to cool
  • Cut your coconut leaves into 2 X 4 inches length for the wrapper
  • With your cooled glutinous rice, grab a fist full and shame it into cone with the tip pointing upwards then place it on your banana leaf
  • Grab about a nub of sugar coconut mix and squeeze it until firm then press down on the tip of your glutinous rice
  • Finally wrap the rice with banana leaves. Start by folding in both lengths until it is 4/5 the height of your fillings. Then wrap under both the sides. If this description fails, refer to the images above.
  • You can serve this warm (stick it in the microwave for 30 secs) or cold. Whichever tickles your fancy.
  • Good luck! (

Percik Kelantan Chicken Recipe


splash chicken wat arini kelantan .. pestaim do! before meal times BBQ penah nih aritu adik2 pulak tuh .. now do! continue to fall chenta! Jie kak.jie godeh2 kitchen. See end resepinya jugak .. leh tgk gak kak.madihaA my kitchen. but the style baked first. I nyer msk first half boiled new then baked. Save Karen I membako .. hihihi ... kak.jie timakasih k.madihaA Jie and jugak. CNP from blogspot kak.jie Jie. I do not buh for gravy thickens jagung.bior sendrik tpg. tp kok kalernyer bit dark!


     3 pieces of chicken breast
     4 cups thick coconut milk
     1 piece dried tamarind
     mix a little cornstarch (for immediate pekatkan more tasty gravy, but gravy thickens alone without cornstarch)
     salt to taste
     Sugar (slightly sweet sauce ni aje)

blended material

     2 inch ginger
     4 stalks lemongrass, finely sliced ​​new ground. (If dititik shall)
     5 shallots
     2 cloves garlic.

Ingredients for chicken stock

     3 cloves garlic-dititik
     1 inch ginger-dihiris2
     1 piece dried tamarind.


     Semi-cooked braised chicken with boiled and drained bahan2
     In saucepan, cook coconut milk, tamarind paste and ingredients to a boil.
     Keep stirring so that the gravy is not lumpy.
     Add salt and sugar. Stir until the gravy thickens. (To quickly thicken the gravy, add a little mix of corn.)
     When the broth is beautiful (shiny bit) host and set aside.

How to Bake

     Half boiled chicken cook over moderate heat burned.
     Balik2kan chicken and smear the chicken with the sauce just until chicken splash and friendly with just gravy.
     When serving, pour some sauce on grilled chicken just now. Ready to eat.

Resepi Ayam Percik Kelantan Sedappp!


arini wat ayam percik kelantan..pestaim buat! sebelum nih penah makan masa bbQ aritu..sedap pulak adik2 tuh buat! terus jatuh chenta! godeh2 dapur kak.jie jie. Jumpa jugak akhirnya resepinya.. leh tgk gak kat dapur kak.madihaA. tapi style bakar dulu. aku nyer rebus separuh msk dulu then baru bakar. Jimat karen nak membako.. hihihi... timakasih kak.jie jie dan jugak k.madihaA. cnp dari blogspot kak.jie jie. utk kuah aku tak buh tpg jagung.bior pekat sendrik. tp kalernyer kok agak gelap!

  • 3 ketul dada ayam
  • 4 cawan santan pekat
  • 1 keping asam keping
  • sedikit bancuhan tepung jagung( untuk segera pekatkan kuah-tapi lebih sedap kuah pekat sendiri tanpa bantuan tepung jagung)
  • Garam secukupnya
  • Sedikit gula( kuah ni manis sedikit aje)
Bahan dikisar
  • 2 inci halia
  • 4 batang serai-dihiris halus baru dikisar.(kalau dititik pun boleh)
  • 5 ulas bawang merah
  • 2 ulas bawang putih.
Bahan untuk rebusan ayam
  • 3 ulas bawang putih-dititik
  • 1 inci halia- dihiris2
  • Sedikit garam
  • 1 keping asam keping.
  • Air secukupnya.
  • Ayam direbus separuh masak dengan bahan2 rebusan dan toskan
  • Dalam kuali, masak santan, bahan kisar dan asam keping sehingga mendidih.
  • Sentiasa kacau supaya kuah tidak berketul-ketul.
  • Masukkan garam dan sedikit gula. Kacau sehingga kuah pekat. ( Untuk cepat memekatkan kuah, masukkan sedikit bancuhan jagung.)
  • Apabila sudah cantik kuahnya( berkilat sikit) angkat dan ketepikan.
Cara Bakar
  • Ayam yang direbus separuh masak dibakar dengan api yang sederhana.
  • Balik2kan ayam dan lumur ayam dengan kuah percik tadi sehingga ayam masak dan mesra dengan kuah tadi.
  • Apabila menghidang, tuangkan sebahagian kuah ke atas ayam bakar tadi. Siap untuk dimakan.