BINGKA custard bengkang


1) 2 cups flour
2) ½ cup custard powder
3) 2 eggs
4) 1 cup granulated sugar
5) ½ cup margarine (dilute)
6) 410 ml evaporated milk
7) 4 cup pandan juice
8) ½ tsp green dye
9) ½ cup sesame seeds (fry without oil)

1) Preheat oven to 180 ° c for 10 minutes
2) Blend all ingredients except sesame oil and filter.
3) The flat brush mold / pan with oil.
4) Sign mold / pan into the oven. Bake at 180'C for ½ hour.
5) Remove from oven, sprinkle sesame seeds and continue baking for 20 minutes or
to see the cook.
6) Cool and cut
Ready to serve
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